Big(gest) STS cranesSpliethoff Group, comprising Spliethoff, BigLift Shipping, Transfennica, Sevenstar Yacht Transport, Wijnne & Barends and Bore, is one of the largest shipowners in the Netherlands with a versatile fleet of 115+ cargo vessels sailing worldwide. Our head office is located in Amsterdam close to the Sloterdijk railway station.
Recently BigLift Shipping’s heavy transport vessel BigLift Baffin shipped three immense STS container cranes from Cork, Ireland, to New York, US. In order to be able to ship these cranes, BigLift’s engineers set out to find solutions for several challenges.
The biggest challenges to address were found both under the waterline and high up in the sky at the same time. When BigLift Baffin was loading in Cork, IE, the water level in port was low, so that the cranes had to be driven on board on a minimal draft. This resulted in a clearance of water under the keel of only slightly over 2 ft.
At the destination, the opposite issue had to be considered. Due to height restrictions of 67.4 metres to pass under the Verrazzano-Narrows and Bayonne Bridges in New York, and the total height of 65.25 metres of the cranes alone, the vessel had to ballast down completely to be able to pass under the bridges, leaving clearings of only 1.5 metres free board and up at the other end a clearance of about 60 cm only, high up in the air between the cranes and the bridges. Click here for more info and videos of the project.
Spliethoff Group – worldwide ocean transport
If you are interested in the possibilities at Spliethoff Group, please take a look at the Froude website or at the website of Spliethoff Group |